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Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals - Biotechnology
Established in

We introduce ourselves

SwissDeCode was founded in 2016 by Gianpaolo Rando, a PhD scientist, and Brij Sahi, a senior executive, after understanding how rapid DNA detection solutions could improve food safety. 

Since then, driven by our vision of a safe food supply chain, we have been working everyday to help farmers and food manufacturers to grow and produce food that is safe to eat. By detecting food contamination and adulteration earlier, we help prevent food recalls and improve the trust of consumers in their products.

SwissDeCode's ultimate objective is to develop the standard food industry technology for real-time certification of food authenticity and quality, as well as of supply chain processes & environments. 

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What employees say

Some of the feedback our team members have given about SwissDeCode's strengths:

  • The endless motivation of the team to go ahead no matter how many or what kind of hurdles we have front of us.
  • Great working ambience, people that works in the company are nice to each other.
  • A lot of flexibility (schedule, home office, worked extra hours that we can take later...)
  • Transparency and trust for the employees
  • High trust in people's capabilities.
  • Real care for people.
  • We are quite free to do "the way we want"
  • Every employee is full of resources and motivated by new and challenging tasks, which creates a great working atmosphere.
  • The young, vibrant, and international team.
  • Sense of duty and responsibility within the team.

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People care about each other here.

I am able to take time off from work when I think it's necessary.

You can count on people to cooperate.

Management trusts people to do a good job without watching over their shoulders.

Management is approachable, easy to talk with.

People here are treated fairly regardless of their sexual orientation.

What defines us

We knew it before, and survey results proved that collaboration and team spirit is our strength. We are a diverse multinational team, gender balanced and including 13 nationalities, different personalities and backgrounds. We are making team members feel appreciated, accepted, with a strong confidence that colleagues will always give a hand and help.

Flexibility, steep development curve, freedom in the role, opportunity to build new innovative products and breaking new ground are the assets we are offering to our team members.

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What inspires us

We are the company which is performing DNA tests. Trust, Courage, Optimism, Empowerment and Curiosity are part of our human DNA and we are equally proud on our culture as we are on our products and performance. These values guide us in the behavior and collaboration because how we are working is equally important as what we do. 


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At a glance

Age of employees

Years with company

Gender ratio

full-time / part-time

Highest completed level of education

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Executive management comment

What did we do right moving from the beginning in 2016 to today when we are a Great place to Work?

We genuinely believe that we have lived and breathed our values. What the team looks is how we are working together and how do we apply our values. It is fair to say that our values have been and are the core of our company and we expect it from ourselves as well as from every member. Communicate openly and positively is the key as well as assuming that every situation has a solution. During challenging times, optimism helps us to find a silver lining and continue going motivated towards the goals. 

Brij Sahi and Gianpaolo Rando
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Career and jobs

Application tips

At SwissDeCode, the selection process is a chance to understand you better as a person - your motivation, values, ambitions for the future and goals you want to achieve. With knowing more about your previous work and educational experience, we are aiming to understand how you fit into the roles we are offering as well as how we can help you to reach the next development stage. Continuous development is one of our core values and we want to make it real in your job every day. 

For us, interviews are dialogues. We will ask questions about you and equally we are looking forward to receiving many questions from your side, that will show us your motivation and interest to understand who we are.  


Our great workplace

Skills and knowledge are important, without a doubt. Equal importance is given to your personality and value set. We want to see proactivity, initiative, can-do attitude, orientation on solution and not issues, seeing opportunity rather than problems, searching for win-win solutions, showing curiosity. 

If you fit the description above, we are the perfect working environment for you and can offer various opportunities for growing and learning. 



Mia Galic
Head of Human Resources

1 Job offer
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